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Retail Park Siedlce


Retail Park Siedlce
Project Type
Retail Park
Partyzantów 16 st, Siedlce
Total surface
17,929 sq m
Retail space
4,952 sq m
Parking places
Agnieszka Gmurowska, T +48 691 144 244

Property description

Park Handlowy Siedlce is about 2 km away from the town centre.  District road 803 connects our facility with voivodship road 2, from which in turn you can access the A2 motorway. Our Retail Park is surrounded by multi-family buildings, in the neighbourhood there is a big housing estate built by STRUS company.


On the area of the Retail Park there are grocery shops, including a large grocery operator Lidl, electronics, clothing, multi-branch shops, Orlen petrol station and hairdressing services, a world of work and a point of the Polish Post Office. Local customers can use a large car park.


Oppening hours

Orlen gas station - 24 hours a day, Lidl 6-22, other locations from 9-20


There is 248 parking spaces available for the clients.




  • 248 parking spaces

In the area

Partyzantów Street connects the left and right side of Siedlce. So our facility can be accessed by clients from the whole town. In the closest surroundings, within 1 km of the Commercial Park there are: 

  • Gym, 
  • primary school, 
  • railway station, 
  • as well as numerous local services: catering, pet shop. 

Technical specification


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